安卓可用的v p n2025

Secure Poultry Supply Plan (SPS) is a translation of the science in the Secure Egg (SES), Turkey (STS) and Broiler (SBS) plans into a harmonized permitting approach that can be used in the event of a disease outbreak such as highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI).  When a product is moved using the SPS, the permit guidance for that product, which comes from the SES, STS or SBS, spells out the criteria that must be met to meet the movement’s risk rating. 

安卓可用的v p n2025

Washed Eggs

安卓可用的v p n2025

Day old birds

安卓可用的v p n2025

Live birds

安卓可用的v p n2025


安卓可用的v p n2025